Last month, Motorola launched the Moto E in India, which was the first smartphone in the sub-Rs 10,000 range to run on Android KitKat. As expected, the smartphone changed the dynamics of the market, and compelled other companies to launch affordable smartphones running on the latest version of Android. Micromax was the first company to take the cue, and since then we have seen smartphones from the likes of Celkon, Karbonn, Xolo, Lava and Spice. Let’s take a look at the top-10 Android KitKat smartphones you can buy for less than Rs 10,000.
Celkon Campus A35K
Priced at Rs 2,999, this is the cheapest Android KitKat smartphone you can buy today. It features a 3.5-inch 480×320 pixels display and is powered by a 1GHz processor paired with 256MB of RAM. Also included is 3.2-megapixel rear camera, VGA front-facing camera, 512MB of internal storage that can be further expanded to 32GB using a microSD card, and a 1,400mAh battery. You also get dual-SIM card slots and 3G connectivity.
Karbonn Titanium S99
This is Karbonn’s first smartphone to run on Android KitKat, and is priced lower than the popular Motorola Moto E at Rs 5,990. For that money, you get a smartphone with a 4-inch IPS display, 1.3GHz quad-core processor, 512MB of RAM, 4GB of expandable internal storage, 5-megapixel rear camera, VGA front-facing camera, and a 1,400mAh battery. Also included is dual-SIM card slots and 3G connectivity.
Micromax Canvas Engage A091
While it may not be Micromax’s first smartphone to run on Android KitKat, it is the cheapest option priced at Rs 6,199. It features a 4-inch WVGA display, 1.2GHz quad-core processor, 512MB of RAM, 5-megapixel rear camera, VGA front-facing camera, 4GB of expandable internal storage, and a 1,500mAh battery.
Motorola Moto E
As mentioned above, the Moto E is credited with having changed the dynamics of this price segment and is the first smartphone in this range to run on Android KitKat. It features a 4.3-inch qHD (960×540 pixels) display with a pixel density of 256ppi. It is powered by a 1.2GHz Snapdragon 200 dual-core processor paired with 1GB of RAM, and also included is 4GB internal storage that can be expanded up to 32GB using a microSD card. The smartphone also features a 5-megapixel rear camera, but misses out on a front-facing camera, a 1,980mAh battery and runs on Android 4.4.2 KitKat. It also features a nano coating on the inside as well as the outside which will keep the device safe from that accidental splash of water.
We were quite impressed with the device for its value for money proposition, and you can read our review here.
Micromax Canvas A105
Micromax’s barrage of affordable Android KitKat smartphones also includes the Canvas A105, which is priced at Rs 6,999. It features a 5-inch WVGA display, 1.2GHz quad-core processor, 512MB of RAM, 5-megapixel rear camera, VGA front camera, 4GB of expandable internal storage and a 1,900mAh battery.
Xolo Q600s
The Xolo Q600s was launched earlier this month and features a 4.5-inch qHD display, 1.2GHz Broadcom quad-core processor coupled with 1GB of RAM and 4GB of internal storage, which can be expanded using a microSD card. Also included are 5-megapixel rear camera, VGA front-facing camera, and a 2,00mAh battery. While the company said that post the introductory offer, the smartphone’s price would rise to Rs 8,499, it is available on e-commerce sites for as low as Rs 7,389.
Micromax Canvas Unite 2
Micromax was the first to respond to the Moto E’s threat with the Unite 2. The device features a 4.7-inch WVGA (800×480 pixels) with a pixel density of 199ppi and is powered by a 1.3GHz quad-core processor paired with 1GB of RAM. Also included is a 5-megapixel rear camera, 2-megapixel front-facing camera, 4GB internal storage that can be expanded using a microSD card, and a 2,000mAh battery. The Micromax Unite 2 was launched for Rs 6,999 to compete directly with the Motorola Moto E, but since then its price has risen to Rs 7,499.
Lava Iris X1
This is Lava’s first Android KitKat smartphone priced at Rs 7,999. The smartphone features a 4.5-inch FWVGA (854×480 pixels) display, 1.2GHz quad-core processor, 1GB of RAM and 4GB internal storage that can be expanded using a microSD card. Also featured are 8-megapixel rear camera, 2-megapixel front-facing camera, and a 1,800mAh battery.
Xolo Q1011
Priced a shade below Rs 10,000, the Xolo Q1011 just makes this list alongside the Spice Stellar 600 (listed below). For this kind of money, you will get a smartphone with a 5-inch 720p display, 1.2GHz MediaTek quad-core processor paired with 1GB of RAM. The smartphone also features an 8-megapixel rear camera, 2-megapixel front camera, 4GB internal storage, microSD card slot, and a 2,250mAh battery.
Spice Stellar 600
As mentioned above, the Xolo Q1011 and the Spice Stellar 600 are the most expensive smartphones in this list, with price tags of Rs 9,999. This smartphone offers a 6-inch qHD display, 1.3GHz quad-core processor, 1GB of RAM, 4GB internal storage and microSD card slot. Also included is an 8-megapixel rear camera, 3.2-megapixel front-facing camera, and a 2,500mAh battery.
With smartphone companies increasingly offering such smartphones in the affordable segment, it is not surprising that Kitkat’s adoption rate is on the rise. Earlier this month, it hit double figures for the first time, with more than 13 percent of Android smartphone running on KitKat. Jelly Bean, which continues to be the most popular platform, is slowly losing its market share. It now powers slightly more than 58 percent of Google powered devices.
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