This could also mean, the company may discontinue the ‘hot selling’ Redmi 1s from the Indian market. Jain tells us that the company is also in the process of setting up its own e-commerce operations in India. When asked about the time frame, he said, “It would be very difficult to say. It could happen anytime between the next four to six months.”
This isn’t Jain’s first stint with e-commerce in India. Needless to say, he is the co-founder of the popular e-commerce site Jabong, and could lend his expertise at designing a site for Xiaomi that suits Indian consumers.
Talking about the Redmi Note, earlier the company had revealed it would be priced at Rs 9,999. The larger Redmi Note has a 5.5-inch 720p IPS display. It boasts of 1.7GHz MediaTek MT6592 octa-core processor, that we have seen on the HTC Desire 616 and Micromax Canvas Knight. It features a healthy 2GB of RAM, making it one of the cheapest smarpthone with such an high amount of RAM.
Other specs include 8GB onboard storage, microSD card slot up to 32GB, 13MP rear camera, 5MP front shooter for selfies and 3100mAh battery. It runs Xiaomi’s MIUI OS. The Redmi Note, if you recall, is something of a record breaker in terms of sales, with Xiaomi having sold 10,000 units in just a second in Taiwan.
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