Soon after Apple launched its new iPhone models, Apple TV and iPad Pro at a recent event, CEO Tim Cook talks about Siri, iOS apps, recently launched products and more. In an interview with BuzzFeednews, Tim Cook spoke to the news site for 20 minutes as he was on the way to a surprise visit to the Fifth Avenue Apple Store.
Cook said how surprise or unannounced visits are good for everyone including him. Tim Cook was accompanied by Eddy Cue, company’s top deal-maker and Apple VP Greg ‘Joz’ Joswiak.
When asked about privacy implications of Siri, he explained how users can decide if they don’t want Siri. But he went on to add how the information is on the device and not going back to Apple. He added that the company does not access any of the information.
“Hopefully people will look at our stance on privacy in general and know that we’re not trying to operate outside of a fairly distinct line that we’re drawing. I hope that people trust us to do the right thing there,” Cook added.
Cook also took to defending the new iPhone 6s models by stating how it is ‘not an off year issue’ and there is substantial change. He defended the devices talking about the new features such as stronger build, improved camera and 3D Touch.
“I find that my efficiency is way up with 3D touch, because I can go through so many emails so quickly. It really does cut out a number of navigational steps to get where you’re going,” he said while boasting about the 3D feature.
Cook also spoke about one of the most interesting aspects – whether Apple will allow deleting pre-installed apps. He also admitted that some apps are non-essential. He said how over time the company will figure out a way. “It’s not that we want to suck up your real estate, we’re not motivated to do that. We want you to be happy. So I recognize that some people want to do this, and it’s something we’re looking at,” he explained.
Talking about the iPad Pro, Cook explains how people may never buy a computer as the iPad does everything people want to do with their PC. However, he also adds in how Mac will be a key part of Apple.
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