Chinese phone maker Xiaomi has sold over 3 million smartphones in India since its launch here in July 2014. It started off selling phones only on Flipkart, but today Xiaomi phones sell on other e-commerce sites such as Amazon, Snapdeal, The Mobile Store as well as its own as well.
According to Xiaomi it had crossed the 1 million mark in December last year itself. According to IDC, Xiaomi was the fifth-largest selling smartphone maker with a 4% market share in Q4 2014. By March 2015, Xiaomi had managed to sell 2 million handsets and has gone over 3 million sales units by now.
Xiaomi has also started making phones in India at a plant in Vishakapatnam. The company has 70 service centres across the country and of them 10 are exclusive to Mi devices.
Speaking on the ocassion, Manu Jain, Xiaomi India head said, “The mobile ecosystem in India is growing at a very fast pace and we are happy to be an integral part of it. We are much more than just a smartphone company, as we also provide Internet services and sell our products through e-commerce. Our recent inclusion in the Make in India programme is helping us be a part of the fabric of the nation, and we will continue to bring more amazing products to India and aim to deliver the best value to both our fans and partners.”
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