Snapchat has introduced a new update which brings new features along with some handy tricks to the app. The four-year-old messaging app has also announced its first paid feature for consumers. The update, version 9.15, is available starting today.
According to the Snapchat Blog, users can now pay 99 cents to replay old snaps. Previously, Snapchatters were only allowed to replay one snap a day, for free. The fee will allow users three replays only.
Additionally, Snapchat is also launching a new set of lenses for selfies. To activate this new feature, one will have to press and hold on the screen while taking a selfie. There are approximately seven different lenses that will show-off features such as bulging your eyes, turning your tongue into a rainbow and a lot more.
Another fun surprise is Trophies, which is placed above the camera, that offers 16 different trophies to unlock. This feature will use your Snapchat score to unlock emojis that show your progression with Snapchat.
In June, Snapchat brought in new features such as double tap to switch between rear and front camera while sending snaps, login verification via SMS along with new battery filters that users can add to snaps when they have full battery or low battery.
The double tap feature in Snapchat allows users to switch from the rear to front camera or vice-versa while trying to send snaps on the app. This feature could turn out to be beneficial for those who wish to make short films or looking to add creativity to snaps and videos.
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