Sony has launched its latest Xperia smartphone for the Indian market – the Xperia M5 Dual – which will be priced at Rs 37,990. The Xperia M5 Dual, as the name implies is a dual-SIM smartphone having 4G support, with a 21MP rear camera.
The 5-inch full HD display sporting Xperia M5 Dual comes with the MediaTek Helio X10 SoC which houses an octa-core processor clocked at 2GHz. This is paired with 3GB of RAM.
Apart from being water proof like its higher end Xperia Z3+ sibling, the Xperia M5 dual also sports a 21.5MP rear camera and a 13MP front-facing camera. The rear camera is also capable of shooting 4K videos whereas the front-facing camera can record full HD videos. The camera comes with hybrid AF technology, having both phase-detect and contrast-detect auto focus.
The phone comes with 16GB of internal storage which can be expanded to up to 200GB using a microSD card. On the battery front, you get a 2,600mAh battery.
Sony Xperia M5 is a good phone in this Price. What you Say? :)