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Leaked WhatsApp screenshots reveal voice-calling features

WhatsApp’s voice calling feature has been in the works for some time now and there were rumours of it coming out this year itself. But thanks to, the screenshots of a WhatsApp voice calling feature have been leaked online.
The Android version of the WhatsApp app exists in two builds – the stable branch which can be found on the Play Store and another one which is distributed directly from the company’s website.
The version on the company website, gets updated more frequently and has a lot of hidden features which undergo testing before it is ported as a stable build on the Play Store. The latest version on the company website had a lot of hidden secret screens that were unearthed. These screenshots point to a voice calling functionality which will most likely be seen on WhatsApp sooner rather than later.
Although officially unconfirmed, the screenshots point to the fact that voice calling is being tested on WhatsApp. The calling functionality and chatting functionality appear as separate. Call logs, dialling and contacts screen is handled by separate screens.
Another interesting feature includes call recording and playback.
There is no word out if this will be a paid app. But if the past is any indication, the voice calling feature will also be offered for free considering apps such as Viber, Line and Skype already offer it.



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