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Magnetic Mobile System Clipless Available For Online Purchase

They Innovate launched  a successful Kickstarter funded on July 6 2013, has finally made its way onto the online market. Clipless, a magnetic system, allows users to clip their smartphone or tablet onto any type of clothing or wall with relative ease.
The Kickstarter raised $43,890, almost double the original $25,000 goal. Clipless only offered three pledges, deciding against offering wacky pledges for trips to meet them or a case full of magnets.
Customers will be able to buy the model for clothing or the model for surface. The clothing model comes with one Clipless, one connector, one disc and one NFC tag, while the surface model comes with two connectors and 6 NFC tags.
Kickstarter fans latched onto Clipless due to its ease-of-use and early reviews on the product are positive, showing this is not a Kickstarter lure project, which failed to meet the expectations of paying customers.
The NFC mount allows the smartphone or tablet to know when it is connected to Clipless and launch certain apps. The team made an application to customize what apps open when the device attaches.
The young Canadian startup is looking to make Clipless the first of many successful accessories. Clipless has added a new option to the store, the Clipless car mount, allowing car drivers to use their phone hands free.
Extra NFC mount and connectors are also available in the store. Clipless works with a variety of smartphones, including iPhone, Android, Windows Phone and BlackBerry.



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